The Main CPA: Where Numbers Meet Strategy
An Accountancy Corporation



Tax preparation and planning go hand in hand. We take an all-inclusive approach to tax planning including the business and the individual owners in the plan.


We prepare all types of business and Individual taxes including Corporations, S-Corporations, LLCs and Partnerships.


Most small businesses do not have the budget to hire an in-house CFO, that is where we can help.

“The Main CPA: Where numbers Meet Strategy” Contact us for a free consultation.

When I talk with business owners one theme runs true.  They are NOT looking for someone to prepare more reports or make snappy looking spreadsheets.  Owners want someone that they can partner with to help solve their frustrations. I am a tax and growth mentor. I assist in translating your numbers into an action plan to solve your frustrations and grow your business. I am here as an advisor to walk you through a path to a growing more profitable business.

Do any of these statements sound familiar to you?

These concerns can be solved. I can guide you through identifying the root problems and formulating a plan to overcome it.

Close your eyes and imagine your business running successfully.  What would it look like? How would it feel?  What would you be doing differently on a day- to-day basis?

Would you have savings to expand? Would you have time off to attend your kid’s events? Have dinner each night with your family? Finally plan that vacation and leave your laptop at home?

If this sounds like a journey you are interested in taking, let’s talk!

ABOUT Wendy Main, CPA

Wendy began her journey in Public Accounting in 1995 when she received her Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from California State University, Northridge.


Ready to get started.  Schedule an appointment now.